90 Day Soulmate

Lisett Guevara and Jim Gulnick


Lisett Guevara holds a doctorate in education, masters in industrial engineering, and bachelors in information engineering.  She has run her own business consulting with fortune 500 companies on quality management systems for the last 20 years.  Lisett helps people see what they can be and facilitates the process to get there. 

Jim Gulnick holds a bachelors of science in electrical engineering, masters of business administration, and doctorate level research and education in industrial and organizational psychology.  He acquires new products and processes, finds the right people, and helps new teams achieve high performance.  

Together they have written numerous books on relationships, business, employee development, and more:

  • 90 Day Soulmate - The process to meet your soulmate in 90 days
  • 90 Day Challenge - 90 day business plan in a book
  • Write Now! - How to publish your book in 90 days
  • E6 Excellence - How to coach and consult employees
  • Serving Clients and Community through International Standards 
  • While Victoria Dreams - The novella sequel to 90 Day Soulmate 

Co-hosts, co-authors, and husband and wife, they have been interviewed and featured in media from Miami to Dallas, London to LA, and Puerto Rico to NYC.  They have helped numerous businesses, individuals, and couples over the last 20 years. 

Show Time: 
Sunday 6:00PM - 6:59PM
Show Description: 

90 Day Soulmate

"The relationship engineers" 

with your hosts, Lisett Guevara and Jim Gulnick

The show where engineering and psychology meet business and education.

Build better relationships, develop greater understanding, and have some fun. Cut through the emotions and get to the science.  Why do we do what we do and how do we change our outcomes? From current news and studies, to old theories and research, all options are on the table.

Show Archives

March 2025

SPA Therapy for better outcomes * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? * Stimuli or situations grounding * Program or brain alteration * Behavioral, emotional, and physical response ideals
The Depression Epidemic * Do drugs treat or exacerbate the condition? * Pharmaceuticals for fun and profit! * Why has there been exponential growth in diagnoses for autism, depression, anxiety, ADHD and much more? * Are we treating societal caused behaviors with drug therapies rather than addressing the real underlying conditions? * How long term drug therapy is linked to killing brain matter

February 2025

SEVEN TM Model for Sensory Perception * How inputs are filtered, encoded, stored, and distorted into false memories * How mood, trauma, and environment shape sensory processing and memory formation * Explore therapeutic tools to reframe negative memories * Discover how lifestyle, exercise, nutrition, and sleep enhance memory and emotional stability * How gut bacteria control and contort memory formation and retrieval
The VITAL framework for Communication Intelligence * 5 Components for powerful communication * How the words you use are only 7% of the message while the expressions, emotion, and body language you choose carries 93% of the impact * Why communication intelligence impacts relationship, community, and workplace success * Learn how to put these techniques to use everyday for persuasive and instant results
FICUS - Framework for Understanding Manipulation * 5 Categories and 12 manipulation tactics revealed * Recognize and avoid manipulation * The favorite tools of psychopaths * Guilt, gaslighting, and fearmongering * How our survival instincts are hijacked * Break free of their power

January 2025

Friends with Benefits * Costs vs benefits of relationships * Health, wealth, and happiness * Foundations for relationship success * How to achieve low cost and high benefit relationships
Special Guests Chris and Mary Alice chat with 90 Day Soulmate * How the book led them to love * Resources that help relationships * Best exercises for love * Vulnerability and empathy as an aspect of narcissism
15 Years Later and Growing Stronger - 90 Day Soulmate * Psychology and science to build better relationships * Secure attachment in a relationship - and how to get it * Love that grows over the years * 5 Action steps for love * Law of attraction in action

December 2024

Is It Love? * How do you know if it's love? * Healthy relationship assessment * Lust, Attraction, and Attachment * Consummate love tips
Tree Theory - Stronger Together * The reptilian brain as the root of the relationship * What is limbic suppression and how to stop it * Why two fruit trees are better than one * How to increase passion and intimacy by. building stronger triune connections
The Adversity Principle (TAP) * How challenge builds happiness * Why protecting our children makes them sad in the long run * The pleasure cycle and dopamine dumping * Top 10 happiest countries to live in the world * How long winter nights make for happy summer days * Why the person who regains health appreciates life more
Digital Crack: Social Media and Evolutionary Dangers * Hijacks brain's reward system * Addiction similar to drug and gambling addiction * Promotes and normalizes risky behaviors * Encourages conflict and in-group associations * Substitutes for human contact * Dumps dopamine and triggers need for likes * Survival instincts replaced by meaningless connection

November 2024

Thanksgiving - Gratitude and Giving * Happiness, health, and relationship benefits * Volunteering to give back to the community * Orphans helping others less fortunate * AyudaVen - helping children in Venezuela - 501 (c) (3) - deductible * Help Muchas Manos - orphanage * Zelle: jim@ayudaven.org
Predisposition and work arounds * Errors in judgement * How icebergs help communication * Alternative path solutions * How to leverage neuroplasticity * Why emotional Intelligence fails
Survival Politics * The politics of fear * Psychological scarefare * Emotional manipulation * In-group vs. out-group bias * Survival as a motivator * Defending the indefensible
To Think or to Not Think * Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich * Biography and controversy * Key concepts of his writings * Psychological validity of ideas * How building "Specialized Knowledge" is like digging for gold * Subconscious programming for success

October 2024

The Sociopath Difference * Narcissist, Psychopath, or Sociopath? * Anti-Social Personality Disorders * What makes narcissism different * A psychopath born or a sociopath created * Serial killers and origin stories
The Functional Psychopath * The Charming Manipulator * Lack of Empathy Response * Brain functions impacted * Jobs that psychopaths love * How to argue with a psychopath
The Art of Narcissism * A Personality Disorder * Unhealthy self-esteem * Cross-situational persistence * Significant distress and impairment * Social media amplification

September 2024

Suited for Love * How to maintain the chemistry 20 years later * Why commitment builds passion * Long-term satisfaction as a result of candid communication * Hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades - what is the perfect hand? * Can arranged marriages exceed expectations?
How Exercise Fights Cancer * Tumors use glutamine to grow * Muscles wrestle cancer for glutamine * How cancer growth was reduced up to 90% - study * Prevent muscle loss and fight cancer through exercise
Generation Disorder * Can the generations get along? * Stereotypes and truths * Strength at the crossroads * How to approach leadership * The Action Antidote review
The Immigrant's Dilemma * Lack of support systems * Language and cultural barriers * Self-isolation and non-integration * Language and communication * How to increase opportunities

August 2024

Travel, Parenting, and the Duke * How travel adds to childhood experiences and world view * Parenting style changes as children mature * The Duke of Edinburgh's Award - building confidence and skills for life * Determination, teamwork, and optimism (being positive)
Triune Love * Engage your instincts for survival * Lust, attraction, and attachment * What does your reptilian, limbic, and human brains desire * Top 9 destructive relationship misunderstandings * Top 10 tips to build your relationship at every brain level

July 2024

Is It Love? * How do you know if it's love? * Healthy relationship assessment * Lust, Attraction, and Attachment * Consummate love tips
Alien Behavioral Influencers * 3.5 Billion-year-old alien culture controls our behavior * Epigenetic influences in personality and behavior * Unlocking the key to gene expression * Feeding yourself with good mood food

June 2024

The Broken Mirror * How we project our perception of reality * Observational biases run deep * Personality, and the Id, Ego, and Superego imperfect factors * Proximity and biases at the helm * How to receive the relationship reality we desire
The 5 Basic Human Needs * Fulfillment and Deficiency * Challenges of Modern Society * The Erosion of Survival Skills * Steps to Strengthen Human Resilience
Owner, Leader, Member (Achieving Team Performance) * Team challenges * Sports team analogy * Navigating the roles * Achieving optimal effectiveness * Train, empower, and reward

May 2024

The 5 Dysfunctions of Teams * Overcoming Dysfunction * Real-Life Challenges * Creating Non-Dysfunctional Teams * Personality Traits and Teams
Emotional Incidents * 15 Common Relationship Problems * Root Cause Analysis - Know, Can, Want * A Story about Tom * The Healing Journey
Personal Resilience * Development and growth * The 5 dimensions of being human * Selfies vs. self-reflection * Does psychology cause depression? * Too much true to be good
E6 - Create your Ideal Future * How to turn on automatic pilot * Secret to hijacking your dopamine * The E6 continuous journey * A natural process you already do

April 2024

Defense Mechanism Release * Top 10 defense mechanisms * Freud's Psyche Model * Defense mechanisms in action * Develop healthy communication
The Action Antidote to Anxiety * The Power of Thought * Thought vs. Action * Acceptance and Commitment * Do, despite, and grow grit * The 5-Step Plan
Free Speech * Censorship and openness * Colleges with worst record * Social media and control * Mental health benefits

March 2024

Online and In-App Dating Success * Psychological traits for long-term relationship success * Why birds of feather flock together? * Drama filled, highly-emotional, short-term attraction of opposites. * Show, tell, and be authentic, but most importantly, swipe safely!
Chapter 9 Creationism - Spiritual Science * How adults talk with children impacts emotional and language development * Self-talk to manifesting life goals, personal desires, and relationship success * Adult conscious programming of the child subconscious mind * Psychological study shows how technology interferes with personal development
Chapter 8 - The Ghosts of our Ancestors * Patterns of behaviors that ruin relationships * Decoding our triggers and reprogramming our love life * How the Ego shields us from self-honesty * Shining the light of day on our ghosts
Chapter 7: Science of the Mind * How best to create a miracle * Freud and Skinner on behavior * The brain impact of sleep and diet * The VBFA Reprogramming Model * Effortlessly visualize your future

February 2024

Chapter 6: Time for a Change * Personal Gap Analysis * The Big 5 Personality Traits * Systems Theory in Relationships * Making your Soulmate List
Chapter 4: Mismatched Souls * Idealization for better or worse * The problem with Romcoms * Connect patterns and programs * Removing subconscious barriers * Automatic pilot to our soulmate

January 2024

Recognizing Your Soulmate Part II * Attracting what you do not want? * How unresolved issues impact relationship choices * Parental patterns and dynamics * How to learn from past relationships * Breaking the patterns through intentional analysis and change
Impact of 6 Emotions on Health and Well-being * Happiness is the key to life! * Balanced emotions are important * Anger and fear have their benefits * Cardiovascular disease and other

December 2023

Impact of Emotions on Health and Well-Being * Happiness * Sadness * Fear * Longevity, laughter, and heart disease
Long Healthy Relationships * Increased life expectancy * Less need for doctor * Vitamins may increase disease by up to 30% * Diet, environment, and physical and mental activity impacts
Why do we fall in love? * The beach season mating frenzy * Lust, attraction, and attachment * Why cheat when all is great? * Can we simply choose to love?
Media Influence - break the cycle * Suspend preconceived biases * Examine underlying motivations * Think a while in the other person's brain * Unplug from technology * Everything you believe is false?

November 2023

Family Constellation Therapy * Family systems and impact * Existential phenomenology * Spiritual control of behavior * Zulu beliefs and role of ancestors
The Hope Trap * Hope can be good or bad * Loss of hope can be devastating * Is activity the antidote to anxiety? * What drowning rats teach us
The Effort Dilemma * Effortless success brings dreams into reality * Effort includes force, mediation, and resource based measures * Capacity equals increasing knowledge and physical capability * Activity teaches what you need to learn by failing and overcoming * Share your process and progress through mentoring and teaching

October 2023

Relationship Questions for Couples * Asking open ended questions for deeper understanding * Couples dig deep to learn more about each other * Lisett asks Jim about random things and gains insights * Uncovering hidden knowledge
Nutrition in Relationship * Gut instinct - get on tract * 100,000,000,000,000 helpers * Banned foods and health impact * What studies show about diet * Fit cancer with a healthy gut
Threshold for Human Perception * Visual threshold of stimulus * Color and contrast limits * Sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound * Allows for monitoring of status quo
4 Rules of Negotiation * Communicate value for all sides * Claim your share of value created * Build and maintain the relationship * Solidify reputation and respect

September 2023

Instant Rapport * Understand yourself * Seek to understand others * Below the surface connection * Tune into their radio station
Law of Creation * Attraction: create the mission plan * Awareness: recognize opportunity * Action: move with confidence * Automate your subconscious for effortless attainment
Total Quality Relationship (TQR) - E6 * Expectations * Equipping for success * Evaluate key process indicators * Emotional Intelligence and traits * Educate and grow stronger * Engage and Enjoy
The Parent Factor * Our parents, families, and guardians create our being * Human actions are a symptom of programming * Understanding the programming helps communication * Decode and fix trigger points

August 2023

Language Quotient (LQ) * How language makes you smarter * Reading and writing is not natural * Increase your abstract abilities * Better brain function and health
Got Confidence? * Develop self-confidence * Specific vs. general * Genetic and learned * Drama, music, and movement * Unshakable transferable skills
Reasons not to Cheat * Loss of benefits of relationship * High conscientiousness * Costs of cheating * Fear of addiction
How to Get EQ * Recognize the emotion of yourself * Recognize the emotion of others * Understand the situation * Stop the Amygdala Hijack * Logically manage the events and emotions for a positive outcome

July 2023

Vacation Pros and Cons * Catalyst for passion and conflict * Form deep long term bond * Live longer, look hotter, smell better * New experiences create new knowledge
Codependency Rescue Regret * Rescue, reward, resent, regret * Archetypes of codependency * Addicted to rescuing others * How to break the addiction
Archetypes in Relationships * Persona - the masks we wear * Shadow - unconscious desires * The 12 types and their traits * Who you are and who you date
Relationship Development Plans A proven quality process * Relationship analysis * Plan development * Measuring milestones * Improvements and corrective actions
First Meeting Faking * Dating and Interview similarities * Faking types and which are okay * Fraudulent fakers and the dangers * The lies liars lie and why

June 2023

The Secret Impact of Gratefulness * Increased well-being * Reduce anxiety in depression * Positive relationships and communication * Increase speed of healing * Growth of gratefulness colored glasses
The Id and Ego in Relation * How the EGO protects us * The ID and its dark past * SUPEREGO and following the rules * Use your EGO to reprogram thoughts and behavior
Mind Hacks for Self-Coding Challenges of the Mind * Approach and not Avoid * Analyze and take action * Take incremental steps * Set achievable goals
Keeping Healthy Relationships * Self-analysis and confidence * Situational moderated behavior * A maintenance plan for well-being

May 2023

Human Success Measures Differing Success Measures... * Long, healthy life * Social connection and friendships * Financial and daily freedom * Passion for life and vigor * Religious and cultural focus
How to Master Anything * Have a reason * Effort beats genius * 10,000 hours of practice * Break up into small goals * Passive and active with wide variety
Nature vs. Nurture *The Mozart Effect * Stimulation threshold * Your DNA vs your environment * Anyone can become a genius * Neuroplasticity and learning

April 2023

10 Commandments of Communication - for better relationship centered communication * Thou shall have no other relationship before this one * Honor thy father and mother * Do not bear false witness against your partner * And many more...
24 Compatibility Dimensions * Activities and emotions * Super-cooperative and altruistic * Romantic vs. Obsessive love
Relationship Power * Coercive - Manipulation, Overt and Covert * Utilitarian - Transactional, Momentary Value Based * Principled - Empathic Love, Long Lasting Consistency
Fight or Flight * Relationships in the balance * Choosing flight plans * Chemical and emotional paths to infidelity * Fighting for the relationship
What we can learn from Divorce * How commitment and communication impact the relationship * Why divorce is infectious * Fifty shades of breakup * How to stay together from the start

March 2023

Relationship Negotiation * Clear goals and objectives * Leave emotions out of discussion * 6 ways to persuade positively * Work at best case outcome together
Birds of Feather * How to avoid toxic people * Matching wings fly well together * Unique talons support goals * Too invested to make a change?

February 2023

Rescue Addiction * Difference between enabling or helping * Alcohol and cannabis both may lead to addiction * Well-being and happiness associated with success of recovery attempts * Are you addicted to rescuing others?
Unattractive Action * Things that bother us * Average is attractive and for good reason * Mate selection confusion
Emotions change how we perceive reality * Don't make decisions when under emotional duress * Happy is as dangerous as fearful when it comes to decision making * Strive for emotional intelligence

January 2023

Real compatibility * Family and Friends force true behavior * Social interactions provide emotional and personality clues * Values and beliefs, and family and friends reveal true match
Finding the Wrong Match
Kamikaze Practice * The big 5 personality mismatches * How to take a relationship down * Why communication breaks down * Is there hope?
Mirrors, misrepresentations, and illusions of relationships and how to avoid them.
Radio interview that started our on air pathway, 10 year anniversary!

December 2022

Understanding - Love * Evolution, revolution, individualism * Differences make the world go round * Survival of those with the same goal * Keep your enemies closer * Seek first to understand
In Love, How do I know? * Is it lust, attraction, or attachment? * Can you make good decisions while in love? * The chemicals ruling our love lives... * The evolutionary theory of love
Go back to your Ex * Only 15% are successful although 40-50% have tried * Relationship quality the 2nd time * Secrets to the best chance of success * Why humans mate long-term
Are you a reactor, thinker, observer, or coder when it comes to how you react in certain situations? Learn how to have better outcomes by becoming a coder in programming of your behavioral patterns.

November 2022

Travel and Benefits How travel can impact relationships and open new avenues to explore: * Portability and flexibility - ways to stretch your mind and spirit * How to expand horizons and help establish relationship goals * Why exposure to culture, language, and differences in beliefs/traditions can increase your brain power * A method to build communication and relationships with others.
Toxic Manipulation * Natural selection, Nature vs. nurture, Evolutionary psychology * Victim and perpetrator role * Can it be recognized? * Better connections can lead to reduction of programming * Little Albert, Stanford Prison Experiment, and Milgram Obedience to Authority

October 2022

Relationship Sabotage * How 100% of breakups start * What lack of congruence does to communication * Why it feels like an earthquake to your brain and body if you are dumped * Identifying the sabotage cycle
Questions for finding your Soulmate

September 2022

August 2022

July 2022